On November 14, 2015, the youth club organized their regular meeting to follow up their 4th quarterly newsletter publishing “Voice of Youth”, plan about the “school holiday activity” and “helping hands Activities’ visit to EVIs on Saturday, November 21st, 2015.
Follow up about newsletter “Voice of Youth”

Youth Club Leader and members discuss and brainstorm regarding activities for Boarding House students during school break.

Youth members shared the experience of undertaking home visit to EVIs houses on October 27th and their impression and feeling to the forum. Their next visit to EVIs houses will be December 21st.

Project Management training is requested by the youth club members. COERR is requested to provide training about project proposal writing and project management to the groups as they are interesting to gain more knowledge about this issue. In the collage only those who major in Community Management will learn about this but not for other majors. COERR agree to provide training to them during 24-25 of December.

Group photos of youth club for the youth club poster

COERR Mae Hong Son Joined “Youth Wisdom Walk” On November 20, 2015 in Ban Mai Nai Soi Camp. Participants were 166 youth (F-92, M-74). The objective of this activity is to have refugee children gain knowledge and life skills, team working, leadership, problem solving, map reading, etc. as important information for their health and well-being.
The “Youth Wisdom Walk” Team was guided by a map, to walk through Section 1 and 14 of Ban Mai Nai Soi camp. They made each stop at various “Knowledge stations” where the different organizations organized games, activities to provide the knowledge in particular fields of work of each NGO/CBOs related to child protection issue.
The participants were able to gain knowledge about the diverse service providers in the camp community and to disseminate the knowledge to their parents and other children in their sections, so others would be aware of services available, and about where and how to refer distinct cases.
At the same time, they acquire skills in map reading, imagination of space and orientation.
Group energizer / Dividing children into groups

Group Leaders listening to facilitator for the task rules and regulation of today “Youth Wisdom Walk” , then start walking, and stopping at each knowledge station on the way :

UNHCR Knowledge Station: Protection of refugees |
KNED Knowledge Station: Value of Education |
IRC-LAC Knowledge Station: Legal Knowledge |
KNWO Knowledge Station: Sexual & Gender Based Violence |
COERR knowledge station: Disaster Risk Reduction |
KNRC and CPF knowledge station: Child Protection/child protection referral system |
Debriefing after finishing visit to each knowledge station |
UNHCR feedback to children |
Children and groups’ leader share what they have learned and experiences. |